Do You Have A Story? Sure You Do.


Did you know you can share multiple captivating stories with your audience?

Storytelling has existed since the beginning of humanity. Yet, in business, we often forget to tell our stories, and it’s a shame because stories are one of the best ways to connect with customers and encourage them to take action.

We often focus on objective data, facts and figures, product features, charts, technology, and engagement through social media in business.

However, storytelling reaches people on an emotional level. They tell the listener exactly what you do and what you stand for. Therefore, it’s essential to craft compelling stories, both about yourself and your business.

Stories work well because they’re exciting and engaging. You can practically take any content that may be slightly dry or dull and weave it with a story to make it much more exciting and dramatic. This is why TED Talks is so popular. TED Talks often present complex or technical information, but it’s combined with the presenter’s personal story to give it life.

Incorporating your personal story into your business and sharing it with your prospects can make a huge difference.

Reporters love to interview guests with great stories to share with their audience.

Sometimes it’s hard to discover stories that will help our businesses build relationships, stir emotions, and engage our customers.

You can start by thinking about stories you’ve heard and how they affected you.

  1. Think of some companies or business owners that you like and respect.  Can you think of examples of when they used personal stories to express their reasons for setting up or establishing their business?
  2. Similarly, think of some public speakers that you’ve heard speak.  What did you like about their presentations? Can you think of examples of when they used personal stories to express who they were, their values, or their beliefs? Now, put aside some time to think about how you can begin writing your personal story to use in your business. You may be amazed at what you come up with.

I’d love to hear your story someday.

Need help with writing your personal story? Want to learn how your story can significantly benefit your business?

Find out how we can help you create a captivating story that propels your business.

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