How Do You Attract Talent to Your Business? – Part 5


Welcome to the Media Mastery mini-series, where we look at the five most common challenges business owners face while trying to build a leading brand.

Your brand is only as strong as its people. So, how do you get the best and brightest to join your team?

If you’re in the early stages of building your professional network and business, finding top-notch hires and partners can be challenging. Since most talented employees are often made through personal recommendations or connections, searching for a qualified person alone can feel daunting. But it’s not impossible.

The best news? You don’t need to resort to random job boards, either. You can leverage other people’s professional networks through thoughtful publicity and media exposure. You need to know which networks to leverage and what will entice people to join your team. Here’s how you do it.

What Network Should You Leverage?

Just like you had to build an avatar for your ideal customer or client, you should create an avatar for your ideal hire or partner.

Maybe unsurprisingly, there will probably be many similarities between the two and some critical differences. The objective is to find the spaces where your ideal hires already “hang out” — what media they consume.

Since you’re looking to offer someone an opportunity and aren’t looking for business, you have much more leverage to direct “asks” to influencers. For example, suppose you find that your ideal hire reads a specific blog or listens to a particular podcast. In that case, asking the content owner for recommendations is more than acceptable. They may even be willing to share what you’re looking for with their audience.

It’s essential to remember that not all of these opportunities will be free. Sometimes, you’ll need to pay a fee to post a job. But it’s always worth asking influencers directly first.

Use Your “Why” As a Magnet

At the beginning of this Media Mastery mini-series, we talked about your “why” — why you are passionate about this work that you’re doing. When looking for strong partners or employees, they must relate to your “why.”

The smaller your business, the more accurate this is. People who connect to your why are more likely to stay loyal, work hard, think outside the box to make things happen, and see their work as an opportunity rather than a burden or source of income. The best and brightest talent don’t just want a job — they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

So, make sure that your “why” is front and center. Put it in your job postings or your emails to influencers. Talk about it when you discuss any openings you have or the partners you’re seeking. Don’t bury it, hoping someone with similar values will stumble upon your business.

Remember: to find the best and brightest talent, you need to reach out to the gatekeepers of the spaces they occupy. Lead with your “why” to find other people with similar passions, and you’ll be miles ahead of the pack.

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